Friday, February 3, 2012

This is a others, have fun, advertise your name's here...and PLAY FAIR!!!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Our future

I'm going to touch on a subject that is a little bit umcomfortable for everyone. We all want the perfect candidate for President, but do we pay attention to what is going on in the world? do we go to caucus meetings? do we find out what subjects our candidates are for? in this day and age, we need to worry about our future which would mean having a canidate who doesn't want to take away money from education, and yet still employ people over 40, or give them better educations to compete. Knowledge is a virtue, a must, and a bonus! we need to think ahead, and make sure we are more organized, because although the politicians will help us, they clearly have 1,000,000 things on their mind. It's up to us, to take care of our future, and to prepare for our future. if you want something done right speak up, and do it yourself! Let's show our country some pride

Saturday, January 21, 2012

I found a great new place. Please take a look at them. The name is:" Bella Sara Photography" Thank-you Camille

Friday, January 20, 2012

in a world of Saks, Prada, Gucci, &Cartier, is there such a thing as love at first sight?

The moment you were born and a pink bow was put in your hair, there was something special
about being a girl.
On the days you were around other girls, who also liked fashion, you tended to dream, and draw, and look in magazines and watch fashion shows and look at only the best and most beautiful things this world had to offer.
When looking at dresses- you think of Chanel, - especially the "little black dress". Also, you dreamed of having, at least 1 oz. of their perfume! When thinking of other clothes, you think of Saks, Prada, Gucci, Bloomingdales, And designers like Ralph Loren. Zac Posen, and Valentino.
When thinking of jewelry, you think of the line, Cartier, Lane,Tiffany's. When thinking of perfume, You think of Chanel, Oscar de la Renta, Giorgio Armani, and Dior.
When thinking of shoes. you think of Jimmy Choo's, Juice Couture, Via Spiga, Michael Kors, and Christian Dior, and let's face it, no girl is complete without a pair of Loubitan's!
Every young girl,to movie star or business woman somewhere down the line have same tastes on some of these things. and let's face it... we all go to the same fashion shows!!!
When you look at all this, it makes you wonder... is there room in this fabulous world for love
at first sight? no I'm not talking love at first sight add a pair of Loubitan's, Or a ring from Tiffany's, or Cartier's, I mean the real thing... between guy and gal with heart wrenching music, sappy words and comedic love. all of which combined seem to make a perfectly happy couple.
You know the dream, where a guy grabs the biggest most beautiful boquet of flowers you've ever anything just have that special moment, to be able to laugh, and to see the sparks fly and sparkle
in his eye... it's like watching a disney commercial except kissing in real life and the fireworks go off. WOW!! Your leg goes up like in the movies, and every color of the rainbow appears.
You know in the world of models And fortune 500 They are taught to keep their noses in the air, and their weight down, and only visit with people their agents introduce them to.
it's up/ down staircase between 2 worlds and some want fantasy/ reality. if you can make it that's great, but it doesn't mean you'll necessarily be be happy.
There are a lot of famous people, a lot of money, and nice clothes and nice parties, and nice jewels, but sometimes loneliness accompany them.
You have to find a happy medium Where the perfect guy is love at first sight, and very rarely does that ever come along. when it does... grab it with both hands and hang on for the ride, through the clouds and over the hills and into the waiting arms of each other!
How many days do you sit at work, or maybe on a day off go to the spa, and while having a massage you dream of running to the daisies, while looking for the man of your dreams.
Suddenly, There on a white horse, Is this man! he dismounts, and you both walk towards the most beautiful waterfall you have ever seen!
Why do they have to be dreams? there are actually some good guys out there! why not try to find that wonderful guy for yourself?! it doesn't have to be impossible... it just seems that way!
The next morning as I went to work I decided, - okay- you are right- it's not impossible! There are good guys out there. So I went on my way looking throughout my day. each guy that came by
Have no idea That he was being looked at that way.
If one day was boring, imagine how 2 or 3 or 4 could be! I could tell this was just not going to be as much fun as when I was younger!!
Whent we were kids, we had a date with the snap of our fingers! Or maybe it just seems that way now... things sure do change!
Have you ever dreamed of the perfect holiday? the kind where you were snuggled up in front of the fire, with the perfect guy, and the perfect family with tons to be thankful for? perfect decorations, perfect food, happy family and jokes, and hugs, and sharing your life's over the last year. Now let's face it... no family is perfect, but it would be nice!
Does it ever seem like your family is living a lot easier then you are?! the grass is always
greener in someone else's backyard! none of that we're alike, other then we all tend to like the
same things Once in awhile. Some live in other countries, some are in the military, some are movie stars, or in the entertainment business, and others live ordinary lifes. the one thing we all have in common is we all want to be loved. we all want that special someone that make our lives like a roller coaster, and then turn it upside down and tame.
We look for someone That we can be comfortable with, not just tremendously happy!

Camille L. Mathews(c)

noses in the air and their weight dow
Seen, atnd he shows up spontaneously on the chance of the carriage ride or a picnic in the park
you know the dream, where a guy grabbed the biggest

hsappy words and to meet the club

heartwrenching music

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sex and the single woman...

What is it about sex and the single woman that seems so appealing? maybe the fact that they always have some high filuting party, at least 1 or 2 gallery openings , or have at least scored backstage passes to the concert of the year! let's face it, they live the life we dream of
The fact they are single and free and over 21 makes them more sensual, fun and oh so available, but what makes them the date you want is there creative thinking!
When at a party with the sensual woman, notice how they flaunt themselves at the most gorgeous, appealing, aspiring , men! the kind that would put Gregory Peck or George Clooney to shame! (Usually with sex to follow).
These women wink, shake their hips, and wiggle their finger, and most men that are standing and talking, will drop a friend of years, hoping for the best and following those hips right out the door! each person having the own idea of what this night might bring!
This being the race to the top of the sexual grapevine, and who can get there first, and who will avail as the winner of the evening is the usual question.
Now and then, it can be both! And what an amazing theory..the very thought of joining such an exciting group of singles, just gets your juices boiling!
Being single makes you're imagination run wild, makes people do things they'd never even think of, at any other time, watch out! it let's the rest of the world, that aren't a part, sit back, and remember happy memories of years past! it's like florida at spring break. nothing could be better... and that my single friends, is just the start.
so hitch yourselves to one of those beautiful men or women and dance your way down the aisles. Prove to yourself you belong in this elite group Of people!

Camille L. Matthews(c)

Of At any other time... watch out! it lets the rest of the world, that aren't a part, hey back and remember happy memories

Being single somehow makes your I
magination run wild, makes people do things they'd never even think

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Cinderella Complex

As a little girl, when your mother read Cinderella and Snow White
And so many other stories that ended in falling in love and with a tall, dark, handsome, prince, from deep in your subconscious, you knew that life would never be the same.
You grew up, like many other girls with the Cinderella complex, meaning:you believed someday you would find and have a tall, dark, handsome, prince like the story and your life would be perfect just like your parents!WOW!! what a fairytale!
Girls... since you were young, you have looked at Brides Magazine, talked to your girlfriends and compared notes on what your wedding will be like some day and where. You skipped listening in school, ( you have skipped phone calls if important) you draw on notebooks, and write your boyfriends names on everything your can find!
The first man you look up to is your daddy, and you want some young man to be part perfect dad, part prince , part Johnny Depp!WOW what a guy!!! At your wedding, you want to start your dance with your dad, runaway with your prince, and live in a fantasy world with the likes of Johnny Depp!
At the end of the night, you realize, this dear sweet man, is just a normal man! probably incapable of your fantasies, but maybe willing to try
no matter what... communication is what tells these beautiful stories and will live to tell more
if you learn valuable skills with your new love. Future generations depend on having this same
sweet life.
So princesses , get started and make some great memories, the kind Cinderella can barely
Compete with!

Camille L. Matthews

No matter what... communication is what tell these beautiful stories, and will live to tell more

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Daddy's little girl

Every little girl from the time they are born becomes a real daddy's girl. She learns to wrap her daddy around her little finger and from day one stares up at him with a sparkle in her eyes, that could only be matched by love.
Little girls follow their daddy's around, laugh at their jokes, go on daddy daughter dates, work in the yard together, watch movies together, and have late night talks.
Little girls are the only one that could get their dad to shop for a dress and say it's pretty, go on dates, and have their dads give the guy the third degree,
then waits up until their daughters home. later when their little girls get married, the heart sinks, and a tear drops, and they turn as the realize, they are now going to share this beautiful little girl with another man.
A daddy sometimes fixes everything and is a huge buffer zone no matter how big the mess, and always tell you you're his little girl, no matter how big you are.
The Saddest part, is when he dies and is no longer there to hold your hand and tell you it will be okay. you miss him even more than you ever thought you could. You cherish every memory, every song, every saying, and every joke.
Sometimes you wake up crying in the middle of the night, because you miss him so bad. you thank the lord for all the happy years you had and for giving you the greatest dad in the world. you find yourself doing things you did together just so you can keep his spirit around and
Alive. Thanks heaven for little girls and daddy's!

Camille L. Matthews

In Memory of my own father: Robert J. Matthews

ord For all the happy years you had and for giving you the greatest dad in the world. You

Find yourself doing things you did together just so you can keep he his spirit around and a live